

The Trust employs 2 full-time staff as General Manager and Accounts Clerk at the Trust’s head office, 3 full-time Managers, responsible for Welfare and Education activities, 1 full-time staff assisting in the re-packing and distribution of food rations at the 3 centres – Suva, Lautoka and Labasa.

The Board of Trustees is made up of 6 eminent persons from within the community.

The Chairman of the Trust, Mr Digby Bossley has been associated with the Trust as a Trustee since 2009. Other Trustees include Mr Barry Whiteside, Mr Warren Yee, Mrs Anne Nacola, Dr Rufina Latu and Mr Rex Horoi.

The JP Bayly Trust Board meets on a bi monthly basis and comprises of three Sub-Committees which are; Physical Resource consisting of Warren Yee and Digby Bossley.

Welfare, Education & Public Affairs with Dr Rufina Latu, as Chairperson, Anne Nacola , Rexi Horoi and Barry Whiteside, Finance Administration and Human Resources with Digby Bossley as the Chairman and Barry Whiteside.

The Acting General Manager is ex-officio member of all committees.  The Sub-Committees meet when the need arises prior to each Board meeting.

Each Welfare/Education Branch has a local Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and three to five Committee members.

The Committee meets on a monthly basis to review cases, financials and other day-to-day operations of the Welfare/Education Centres.

Once the Committees have met and approved the operations and financials, the Branch Manager provides a written report to the JP Bayly Trust which is then discussed at Board level.