

Anyone seeking assistance from the JP Bayly Trust is not turned away empty handed.

The Managers interview/assess the cases in the Welfare office, take notes and provide a ‘food pack for the day’.
The new cases must provide medical, death and/or other certificates for verification and a copy is kept in the file.

The Manager then visits that family within a week of them seeking assistance and if there is enough evidence for it to be a ‘genuine case’, he/she puts a proposal to the Welfare Committee requesting assistance be provided to them.

Depending on the family size, the Committee will decide whether that case qualifies for a single ration or double ration.

Our single ration consists of 2kg Flour, 2kg Rice, 500g Spilt Peas, 1kg Sugar, 1pkt Tea leaves, 500ml Cooking Oil, 500g Blue Peas, 2x 5.5oz Tin Fish, 1pkt Biscuits, 300g Washing Soap, 1 Bathing Soap, 1doz Eggs, 200g Salt, 1kg Potatoes, 500g Onions, 500g Powdered Milk, Rolled Oats, 1 ltr Kerosene and in Double Ration, everything is same except for double Flour, Rice, Sugar, Rolled Oats and Tin Fish.

The food items given to our recipients are analysed by the National Food & Nutrition Centre every 3 to 5 years.

The last report of 2019 from the Centre stated that, “The food given by the Trust provided all the basic nutrients in varying amounts.

The basic food constituents of the current food rations appear sufficiently varied and appropriate, given the family situation. JP Bayly Trust is achieving its goal.

The basic food items in the current food pack appear adequate in terms of providing some amount of essential nutrients”.

We purchase food items in bulk and repack into smaller packs. Apart from casual staff we have some committee members and volunteers in each Centre who assist in repacking and distribution of the food parcels.

The distribution days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and field visits are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays.

Each Welfare case is reviewed on a three monthly basis. The Managers are allocated a vehicle each to carry out field and home visits.

Review reports are tabled at the Committee meetings where it is decided whether assistance is to be continued.