Big Relief for Amar Deo

Being in the condition that he was in, he was always a familiar face in our community and often used to move around. When the Almoner visited him, he was lying on the floor and this was due to the fact his leg had been amputated above the knee, as a result of diabetes, which left him fully immobile and desperately needing a wheel chair. He broke down saying that he never thought that a day would come in his life like today. He thanks the Bayly Welfare Labasa who came forward to assist him as he did not have the funds to buy a wheel chair and without a wheel chair he would have been in bed full-time. He now can sit down and talk with this close family members who look after him. The Bayly Labasa team has being doing great work since the centre opened in 1997 and Amar prays that they will continue to serve the beloved people in the community.?
By: Almoner Labasa – Satishwar Chand.