Isoa Tevita

Has been financially supported both by the JP Bayly Trust and by his mother, who is a single parent. He was supported throughout his schooling life from primary school to tertiary by the Bayly family. Having grown up in a loving and caring environment and coming from a poor background, he mentions what it was like to face life’s challenge and hardships. Growing up was not always easy and he thanks the Bayly Welfare/ Bayly Education, which made a little easier through the assistance that he received both for himself and his family through paying for his school fees. “The Bayly Welfare/Education also assisted me with providing school bags, sandals, school stationery and uniform throughout my primary and secondary school years. Furthermore, JP Bayly Trust has been providing for my family with food rations once every month. This food rations includes all the basic necessities that a small household needs”.
He expects to graduate with a Diploma in Business Commerce from the Fiji Institute of Technology at the end of this year. As he looks back, he says that he is extremely grateful to the Bayly Welfare/Education for being so supportive and undestanding towards families like ours and he cannot think of a way to ever repay their kindness. May God continue to bless the Bayly Trust, so that they can continue toprovide for the less fortunate.