Mr. Richard Naidu to lead Bayly Welfare/Education Suva

Richard Naidu is a partner with Munro Leys in Suva. He was recently appointed as the Chairperson of Bayly Welfare & Education Suva Committee.
On his appointment he said that “I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to chair the Suva Welfare Committee. It is quite inspiring to work with people who have, for many years, been committed to improve the lives of the less fortunate. I have a lot to learn from the Trust, its staff and its stakeholders about some of the most important issues in our community. Thousands of people have lived better lives because of the assistance that the Trust has given them over more than 50 years”.
Mr. Naidu replaces Mr. Jed Peterson. Mr. Peterson was the Deputy Chairman/Committee member for Bayly Welfare & Education Lautoka Committee for 18 years and Chairman for Bayly Welfare & Education Suva from May 2010 to May 2011.
The Suva Bayly Welfare & Education Committee comprises of: Shanta Lakhan as Deputy Chairperson, Marie Lee as Secretary and Nilkant Lal as Treasurer. Committee members are Jed Peterson, Asina Sahu Khan, Susan Knynenburg, Delywn Jenkins with Senior Almoner Michael Chandra as ex-officio.