Raichal Bhan

I come from a family of seven – which includes four sisters and a brother. Two sisters are married and sadly my father passed away in March 2005. There was no source of income, so the Suva Bayly Welfare has been generously providing food rations to the family since March 2005.
I was astonished in 2006 when Mr. Michael Chandra, Senior Almoner through Bayly Education helped three more of my family with school requirements. “Since everything is so expensive now-a days and it becomes hard for poor parents to pay for their children’s education, the Bayly Education is really kind to help the less fortunate ones. They paid for my education from 2006 to 2008 (form 5 to form 7)” Raichal said.
“I am now in the final year of Diploma in Primary Education at Fiji National University (formerly known as Lautoka Teachers College). All credit goes to the team of Bayly Education for giving
me the opportunity to complete my secondary schooling. Hence, if they hadn’t helped then I would not be where I am today. I am one of the luckiest children along side many others the Bayly Welfare/Education is helping to accomplish their dreams”.
“Moreover, the work that the Bayly Welfare (Mr. Michael Chandra and the team) is doing is very blessed work because they are able to give children the gift of education which is precious and also enables the children to understand the fact that it is not a burden to be poor because there are institutions there to help the poor. To conclude, they also appreciate children’s school work by organizing Prize Giving day for children who have gained excellence in their studies”.