
Trust awards excellent sponsored students

It is an annual event for JP Bayly Trust Welfare in Labasa to thank its sponsored students for their excellent academic performance for the year.
Sixteen forms five and six students received prizes and gifts from the trust during a prize giving function last Saturday.
Welfare officer Satishwar Chand said Bayly Education was responsible for the education of 100 students from Class One to Form Seven and two other students at tertiary level at the University of the South Pacific.
“It is an ongoing process every year and we always provide them with something when school finishes,” he said.
“These students either have parents who are sickly, single mums, parents separated or parents who are farmers who cannot support their education.
“We support them by paying their school fees, buying uniforms, school sandals, books and stationery.
The students performed exceptionally well in school, he said.
Mr Chand said Bayly Education only supported students who live within 20 kilometers from Labasa Town.
The students’ parents and relatives were at the function, which had entertainment and food for those present.